Faith, Mental Health, Mindfulness

3 Practical Tips For Overcoming Your Deepest Fears, Starting Today!

Jul 10, 2020

overcoming fear fear bible verse get rid of fear




Here’s the annoying thing about fear….

it anticipates the absolute worst circumstances for us.


Fear leads you and I to overestimate the odds of something negative occurring.


It limits and paralyzes us in many ways. It drives perfectionism, criticism, and control rather than grace, encouragement, and faith. Not to mention, it can have some pretty negative health effects. Fear completely underestimates our level of capability and is not concerned at all about reality or facts, skills or talents, spiritual gifts or God’s divine power to do ANYTHING HE WANTS. Fear only focuses on the negative – like we don’t have a choice in the matter.  The good news, however, is that we do have a choice in the matter and we don’t have to listen to or give into fear.


So how do we get that pesky little thing called fear to leave us alone once and for all?


  1. We can slowly begin to overcome fear by creating opportunities for ourselves, taking healthy risks, challenging our fears head-on and experiencing the truth in real time (rather than anticipating the worst in a false reality).
  2. Most of the time, if you and I just go do the thing we are afraid of most, it won’t go as poorly as fear says it will. I bet the hang-glider making an appearance in today’s picture was fearful the first time in the sky. More and more evidence of actual positive life experiences we have though, eventually makes it much easier to challenge our fear as soon as it comes up.
  3. If we push ourselves out of our comfort zones, that’s when we grow the most. Just remember to take it day by day and practice patience with yourself. My favorite way to combat fear is by using God’s POWERFUL word against it. Read this verse from proverbs slowly, out loud to yourself, and meditate on this reality:


I sought the Lord, and he answered me;

he delivered me from all my fears.

Those who look to him are radiant;

their faces are never covered with shame. 

This poor man called, and the Lord heard him;

he saved him out of all his troubles. 

The angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear God, 

and God delivers them.



Jul 10, 2020 | Faith, Mental Health, Mindfulness