Lifestyle, Recipes

Super Healthy Breakfast Smoothie For Fall

Oct 27, 2017

I love all things pumpkin during the fall months, but sometimes I need a little variety. Because I’ve been enjoying this cinnamon apple smoothie for breakfast lately, I wanted to share it with you!



Audri and Paul like this smoothie so much that I make a ton at once and store them in mason jars for the next day.

It’s great for a quick, healthy breakfast if we don’t have time to sit at the table as a family.


I simply blend these ingredients together (with this blender):

  • unsweetened almond milk (1 cup)
  • apple (1 chopped)
  • chia seeds (1 tbsp)
  • banana (1 chopped)
  • oats (2 tbsp)
  • almond butter (1 tbsp)
  • cinnamon (1/4 tsp)
  • protein powder (1 scoop)
  • collagen peptides (10g)






I’m already getting protein from the almond butter, but I add this organic vanilla protein powder for more protein and flavor.



I also use these collagen peptides as a natural supplement for healthier hair, skin, nails, joints, and bones. They aren’t flavored so I actually include these into a lot of my smoothie recipes! This brand is gluten free, dairy free, and soy free!


click the image to shop kitchen items:



Photography Bryan Grayson

Oct 27, 2017 | Lifestyle, Recipes